Tuesday, September 14, 2010

there's never a dull moment with riley

i think you can guess what's about to happen...

after trying to encourage riley to help swing the baby...she kindly shared all her stuffed animals with the pretend baby doll(there isn't an actual baby under there so don't worry)

helping daddy at work...

taking a bath with good friend anna

learning my alphabet at the library

reading the paper with mom

scratching while enjoying my movie

whoaa! that's a big bear...

20 minutes after we put her down for a nap we heard a noise and...we found her like this! it's kind of hard not to smile when you tell her that she needs to stay in her bed during naptime!


Heather September 15, 2010 at 9:44 AM  

Some of these photos could have been taken at our house! Primarily the naked ones. Love the photos. Is that a big girls bed I see?

Crystal September 15, 2010 at 6:16 PM  

She is so cute! Have you already moved her to the big bed for good, or is she still in a crib sometimes? Man, I haven't started thinking about it for Bradley yet!! Yikes!

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