Wednesday, February 29, 2012


An overseas missionary friend of ours asked us to send some pictures of us that she would put up in her home for her husband who is in the midst of chemotherapy. This was such a sweet idea to remind him that others were praying for him around the world. How beautiful is the body of Christ!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Flight of 2012

Ella-16 months
I can't believe it is already March 1st! This year is flying by, but I am so enjoying the season we are in! Riley and Ella are both at such fun stages (most of the time!). I really do feel blessed to spend my days with them and count it as a privilege (and huge responsibility) to watch them grow. My prayer is that our home and lives would reflect Jesus to them in every aspect, so that a spiritually tender heart would be developing within both of them. Things we are enjoying currently include anything outdoors, dance parties at home, driving around in our new mini-van (yes we joined the club!), art-especially stickers and painting, library visits and traveling. Here are a few pics of the happenings over the past few months.

Riley turns 3 March 8th!

Our first gingerbread house!

We love exploring parks!

Picnic at the Nature Museum

Welcome baby Grayson to the family!

girls and papa mac at christmas

mcnamee christmas

5 grandchildren two and under!

soderberg christmas

painting with nanna

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