Goodbye summer...hello fall!
Family beach trip to Ocean Isle!
First day of preschool!
Daniel's black bear siting while on a camping trip...little too close for comfort:)
I think we have a hoarder on our hands!
Nashville trip to meet our new nephews, Levi and Price
Cooling off on a hot summer day!
Nashville Zoo
I have been reading through Corinthians lately, and one of the themes that resonates repeatedly is our all sufficiency on Christ. "Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant..." 2 Corinthians 3:5. I am constantly learning that I am totally dependent on Christ for all that I do, whether it be a wife, mother, veterinarian, friend, neighbor or even complete stranger! He is what sustains and brings fullness of joy, even in the midst of those days when I feel out of control, like I'm grasping for a rope or under a dark rain cloud. Unfotunately, oh so often I try to find my contentment and strength from the things of this earth. But, thanks be to God...He is the One that fights for me and has already won the victory over my sin! He is always faithful to lead me back to His green pastures and quiet waters. Thank you tender Shepherd!
September has seemed to come and go like a vapor. I can't believe we are already heading into favorite season of the year! I am looking forward to fall festivals, anything pumpkin (especially pumpkin chocolate chip muffins), bluegrass music, cool morning runs and the leaves changing colors. Here is a glimpse of what this past month looked like for us...