Sunday, January 30, 2011

We're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Our girls are growing up fast! Life is beginning to return somewhat to a norm now that ella is 3 months old. They are both growing up so fast before our eyes! a few of riley's favorite activities are reading (she sleeps with 10 books), playing with the "ark" (art) box that nanna gave her, trying to take her sister's stuffed animals to add to her collection, walking around with the diaper changing pad on her head, eating strawberries, and giving hugs and kisses to her stuffed animals. a few of ella's favorite activities are eating, pooping, sleeping, not riding in her car seat, and taking showers. a few of mom and dad's favorite activities are sleeping, eating, sleeping, taking an occasional shower when we find time, sleeping, and loving the beautful daughters the Lord has blessed us with. We hope all is well with everyone!

riley trying out her new shades on a surprising 60 degree january day!

ella is slowly catching up to her big sister in size! they're only 1.5 diaper sizes apart! (ella has her daddy's thighs)

riley exploring in the yard! those blue eyes!

ella likes to watch her sister eat dinner!

one of ella's many dramatic faces that have earned her the title of "our little diva"

ella relaxing on the play mat

ella (also affectionately known as "2-ton tony") showing off her muscles

the mcnamee girls going for a stroll

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Riley's First Trip to Monkey Joes

I took Riley to Monkey Joes for the first time today. Because of her somewhat shy personality, I wasn't sure how she would like it. As you can tell by this video clip, she felt right at home. She loved every bit...including Monkey Joe himself!

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