Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas from the McNamees!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6


Ella Bella

Riley Roo

Virginia and Daniel (Mommy and Daddy)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy October and November from the McNamees!

Loving those carrots!

Riley pretending to be a bride...what a beautiful veil!

Another nature girl in training:)

riley playing dress up with mommy and daddy's closet

Ella loves copying her big sissy...european ella

ella's first pig tails

riley loves playing in the backyard with dakota and lilly

riley's leaf bed

October and November 2011 have come and gone so fast! It's been filled with playing outside on beautiful fall days, Thursday school for Riley, finally joining the YMCA and having play dates here and there. Daniel and I also had a chance to go away for a weekend to one of our favorite inns called The Sourwood Inn. Thank you Barbara and Jim for the gift and mom and dad for spending the weekend with the girls. We are so grateful!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Goodbye summer...hello fall!

Family beach trip to Ocean Isle!

First day of preschool!

Daniel's black bear siting while on a camping trip...little too close for comfort:)

I think we have a hoarder on our hands!

Nashville trip to meet our new nephews, Levi and Price

Cooling off on a hot summer day!

Nashville Zoo

I have been reading through Corinthians lately, and one of the themes that resonates repeatedly is our all sufficiency on Christ. "Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant..." 2 Corinthians 3:5. I am constantly learning that I am totally dependent on Christ for all that I do, whether it be a wife, mother, veterinarian, friend, neighbor or even complete stranger! He is what sustains and brings fullness of joy, even in the midst of those days when I feel out of control, like I'm grasping for a rope or under a dark rain cloud. Unfotunately, oh so often I try to find my contentment and strength from the things of this earth. But, thanks be to God...He is the One that fights for me and has already won the victory over my sin! He is always faithful to lead me back to His green pastures and quiet waters. Thank you tender Shepherd!

September has seemed to come and go like a vapor. I can't believe we are already heading into favorite season of the year! I am looking forward to fall festivals, anything pumpkin (especially pumpkin chocolate chip muffins), bluegrass music, cool morning runs and the leaves changing colors. Here is a glimpse of what this past month looked like for us...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Martha's Vineyard Vacation

Riley enjoyed playing in the chilly water

Daniel spent an afternoon on a schooner

I enjoyed finding a quiet spot to read

Beautiful sunset at Aquinnah

Sunrise over Vineyard Haven harbor

This past month, we took our first big vacation as a family of four up to Martha's Vineyard. We rented a house with my parents and sister's family. Despite the early morning risings with little E (she was up about 5 am every morning), we had a great time. Here are a few sweet moments captured...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Family Photo Shoot

I love this shows Ella's playful personality

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14

Our nature girl

"Outdo one another in showing honor." Romans 12:10

So, I'm a bit late in writing the July post, but I'll be sure to do some extra posting to show what the Lord is doing in the McNamee home. One fun treat we had back in June was to have Jamie Brant take some family pictures at a local college campus. Despite a threatening summer storm and a grumpy toddler, we managed to get some great shots. Thanks Jamie!

Romans 12:10 (above) has been my theme verse this week. I have been reading a book called Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, which talks about some common lies women are told by Satan/the World/others instead of listening to the Truth of Christ. Through this book, the Lord has revealed to me how selfish and prideful I often am when it comes to my rights and how I serve others. My prayer is that I would have a sacrificial and selfless heart as I serve my Lord, husband, children and others.

"Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and yoru faithfulness." Psalm 115:1

Monday, June 20, 2011

Take these hands...

Daniel spent 4 days with our church at Bridgemont Camp helping build (and photograph) an arts and crafts center

This face makes me you can tell, we have our hands full with Riley

Riley requested a photo shoot with her doggie after seeing Daddy taking pictures of Ella

Ella has loved trying out new foods...thank goodness for another good eater!

The McNamee girls (excluding our fur babies) enjoying the summer heat at the park

Reading books together

First bath time together...and many more to come!

Sisters getting cozy...Riley's not so sure about this

One thing that many people may not know about me is that I once wanted to be an author (along with a flower, veterinarian, teacher and doctor). I really do love to write, but it has become one thing that has sat on the back burner during this season of my life. A recent conversation with a friend, however, sparked a fire in me to pick up my pen again...aka my little dell laptop. My goal is to blog at least once a month about whatever the Lord lays on my heart. It may be more frequently, but hopefully not less. So, here it goes...a daughter of the King, wife, mother, veterinarian and want to be gardener embark on this journey of scribbling across the years sharing my life, my thoughts, my heart. Here is a bit of what June 2011 has brought to our home...take these hands, Lord, and make them yours.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

We're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Our girls are growing up fast! Life is beginning to return somewhat to a norm now that ella is 3 months old. They are both growing up so fast before our eyes! a few of riley's favorite activities are reading (she sleeps with 10 books), playing with the "ark" (art) box that nanna gave her, trying to take her sister's stuffed animals to add to her collection, walking around with the diaper changing pad on her head, eating strawberries, and giving hugs and kisses to her stuffed animals. a few of ella's favorite activities are eating, pooping, sleeping, not riding in her car seat, and taking showers. a few of mom and dad's favorite activities are sleeping, eating, sleeping, taking an occasional shower when we find time, sleeping, and loving the beautful daughters the Lord has blessed us with. We hope all is well with everyone!

riley trying out her new shades on a surprising 60 degree january day!

ella is slowly catching up to her big sister in size! they're only 1.5 diaper sizes apart! (ella has her daddy's thighs)

riley exploring in the yard! those blue eyes!

ella likes to watch her sister eat dinner!

one of ella's many dramatic faces that have earned her the title of "our little diva"

ella relaxing on the play mat

ella (also affectionately known as "2-ton tony") showing off her muscles

the mcnamee girls going for a stroll

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Riley's First Trip to Monkey Joes

I took Riley to Monkey Joes for the first time today. Because of her somewhat shy personality, I wasn't sure how she would like it. As you can tell by this video clip, she felt right at home. She loved every bit...including Monkey Joe himself!

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